The following is my internship and work experience.

My experience just started when I took part in a bootcamp ( West Java Coding Camp ) in 2022. And has continued until now where I work. I don't have much experience yet, but I will continue to learn.

  1. Working as Fullstack Developer at PT. SAVANA MADANI TEKNOLOGI

    I work as a full stack developer with my partner, us create web applications according to client requests such as Port Shipping Management.

    First day ✊
    First day ✊
    Samalogi 🖼️
    Samalogi 🖼️
    Holiwork ✌️
    Holiwork ✌️
  2. Intership at Dinas Pendidikan Jawa Barat

    I applied for an internship at the West Java Education Office and I was there working on a project to upgrade and redesign the JFLS (Jabar Future Leaders Scholarship) website.

    Start 🔥
    Start 🔥
    Do the best with a great team 👊
    Do the best with a great team 👊
    Finished 🏁
    Finished 🏁
  3. Intership at STIMIK AKAKOM

    I took an internship program from school at stimik akakom and I learned about basic concepts and programming for IoT creation using Arduino Uno. There I also made a simple smart home project.

    Meet great people 👏
    Meet great people 👏

My education history is formal and non-formal.

The first time I got to know programming was when I was in a vocational high school.

  1. School at SMK Negeri 1 Padaherang

    I went to school at SMK Negeri 1 Padaherang majoring in Software Engineering (RPL). I learned a lot of the basics about website development while at school.

    Software Engineering B 👏
    Software Engineering B 👏
    Valuable lessons about entrepreneurs 🙌
    Valuable lessons about entrepreneurs 🙌
    Favorite place 💻🎮
    Favorite place 💻🎮