3D Portfolio Website

Sep 5, 2024
3D Portfolio Website

3D Portfolio Website is a project where I am currently diving into the realm of creating 3D websites. I am exploring the integration of Three.js, a powerful 3D library, with React.js and Tailwind CSS to build immersive and interactive 3D web experiences. This project allowed me to deepen my understanding of frontend roles and further hone my programming skills, gaining insights into component structures, layout settings, and responsive design in the context of 3D web development.

This project is open-source, providing an opportunity to preview the code, clone the repository, and contribute to its improvement.

Technologies Used:

  • React.js for frontend development

  • Tailwind CSS for styling

  • Three.js for 3D graphics

Tools Used:

  • VS Code as the code editor

  • GitHub for version control

  • Chrome for browser testing and searching references

Note: Feel free to explore the code, make improvements, and contribute to enhancing this project.