
May 16, 2024

Clover is my first freelance project that I worked on with my team, where I served as the backend developer. Clover is a marketplace platform focused on agriculture with a vision to connect all farmers in Indonesia, making it easier for them to sell their agricultural products. Additionally, the platform allows customers who typically shop for vegetables or fruits to create their own shop by registering as a Clover partner. The project utilizes Laravel, React.js, Tailwind CSS, PotsgreSQL and Pusher.

The frontend repository is open-source, inviting the community to explore, clone, and contribute.

Technologies Used:

  • Laravel for backend development

  • React.js for frontend development

  • Tailwind CSS for responsive and modern styling

  • PostgreSQL for database management

  • Pusher for real-time functionalities

Tools Used:

  • VS Code as the code editor

  • GitHub for version control and hosting the frontend repository

  • Chrome for browser testing and searching references

  • Postman for API testing

Note: The frontend of this project is open-source and available for contributions. Feel free to explore the repository, clone it, and contribute to its enhancement.