Simply Shop

May 13, 2024
Simply Shop

I tried to developed a monolithic e-commerce website as a personal project, utilizing Laravel, Bootstrap, and MySQL. This platform is designed to offer a wide range of products at competitive prices while ensuring ease of use for customers. Simply Shop invites you to join us as a partner to help expand and enhance the platform.

This project is open-source, and you are welcome to preview the code, clone it, and contribute to its improvement.

Technologies Used:

  • Laravel 8 for both backend and frontend development

  • Bootstrap for responsive styling

  • MySQL for database management

Tools Used:

  • VS Code as the code editor

  • GitHub for version control

  • Chrome for browser testing and searching references

Note: The project is nearing completion, though several features are still under development. If you are interested in contributing, please feel free to clone the project and submit a pull request.